Dear Lyla,
Now that you are almost here..I have had alot of cleaning to do. Daddy and I are getting your room ready. It is really starting to come together. I am so excited to meet you...hurry up!
I do not use correct grammar..sorry...I use a tremendous amount of (...) dots and I absolutely hate to captilize my (I's) seems so much faster to keep them I will apologize right now to all you grammar fanatics and English teachers..Here is a little about me...I am a mommy to a 2 year old, a wife, daughter, sister, Penecostal, preschool teacher..and I hope you enjoy reading about my journey to somehow stay Nikki.
You are so cute!!!
You are blooming as they say!
You look so adorable, especially since you were just cleaning LOL
Congratulations on your awaited little one.
BTW I found your blog from your siggie in the flylady forum. I hope you don't mind.
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